Current Edition


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Comptroller DiNapoli: Divest from fossil fuels now, by William Reinhardt, NY Albany County Legislator

New York State pensions are intended to provide secure futures. The state should never gamble with them. But that’s exactly what’s happening in a high stakes game by continuing to invest state worker’s retirement funds in the fossil fuel industry.  More

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We need to ban fracking, by Mayor Heidi Harmon of San Luis Obispo


The oil and gas industry fear the continued drop in the prices of their products worsened by the pandemic. They want to ensure our dependency on fossil fuels by taking advantage of this life-threatening virus.  More


Gov. Newsom: Put people first, not corporate profits  by Former Culver City Mayor, Meghan Sahli-Wells  

Dear Governor Gavin Newsom, On Earth Day I awoke to a tremor. On April Fools 2019, no fooling, an oil spill started above Culver City Park, at the northwest side of Inglewood Oil Field, shutting down part of the highway. Hundreds of children play in our park—right next to Inglewood where over 5,000 barrels of oil are extracted daily.  More

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Investigative Report

Stuck in the past: The need for a reckoning with the failure of fossil fuels and imagining more just futures

By Brianna Cunliffe, P.E.N. chief investigative reporter

This is a moment of reckoning for the energy future of America. As three devastating decisions render major US pipelines defunct and global oil assets plunge, it is becoming abundantly clear: The fossil fuel era is dying. What sort of world will rise in its place?  More

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Environment Success

Veterans who are elected officials fought for a fully funded LWCF — now it’ll be law in Great American Outdoors Act

“As veterans who are lawmakers, protecting our public lands is part of defending our country. We fought to ensure every American enjoys their inherited right to public land access,” said Alex Cornell du Houx, a former Maine state lawmaker, Marine combat veteran, and President of Elected Officials to Protect America. (EOPA).  More

Explore our video podcasts series and documentaries with elected officials

From California to Maine elected officials share their stories with us about how they are working to combat the climate crises in their communities, state and nation.

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An exclusive podcast

Mayor Heidi Harmon of San Luis Obispo

Why does a mother concerned about the climate emergency run office? Find out in this exclusive podcast.

Hear how this San Luis Obispo progressive mayor talks about her work facing down the fossil fuel industry to move her city and the state forward, the challenges of drawing attention to a climate agenda during the pandemic, obstacles at the national level concerning comprehensive legislation on facing the climate emergency, how she would encourage Gov. Newsom to ban fracking and much more. Please listen here.


A special documentary

As Maine faces climate change — clean energy solutions are in the works 

As the world experiences drastic environmental disruption due to climate change, the increasing lack of fresh water is causing conflicts around the globe. But there is hope. Real solutions are already making a difference across the country and world. Maine has large land wind farms, community solar power projects and is developing cutting edge offshore floating wind platforms at the University of Maine, with the potential to export clean energy for the Eastern seaboard. Innovation, research and development grants and American ingenuity just might see the state take a lead in offshore wind development.


A special documentary

United States’ citizens deserve adequate water security: Saudi Arabia exposé

Saudi Arabia has been unjustly purchasing U.S. water rights and U.S. land to grow cattle feed that is shipped back home. Saudi Arabia was legally permitted to buy these water rights and land despite an 20-year drought in the American Southwest. In Arizona alone, they can freely extract up to 2.3 million gallons of water a day disregarding the drought and the needs of communities and other farmers.

United States’ citizens deserve adequate water supplies and security. Unfortunately, this right is persistently unmet by unjust laws that are depriving many Americans of a healthy lifestyle.