Current Issue


Former CA Culver City Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells believes her greatest achievements come from combating climate change

“We have 10 percent of the Inglewood oil fields in Culver City,” Sahli-Wells said. “For my whole eight years in office, I worked to shut down Culver City’s part of the oil fields. It culminated in a historic vote to stop all new oil drilling in the Culver City portion of the Inglewood oil field and to phase out existing drilling over the next five years. We also wanted a just transition for the workers.”

Sahli-Wells won elections in 2012 and 2016. She believes her greatest accomplishment in office was ending Culver City’s use of the Inglewood Oil Fields. She currently is active on Elected Officials to Protect America – California and serves as the CA Program Director . . .”  More


Ukrainian American Igor Tregub finds environmentally friendly ways to give back to his homeland 

“Energy substations, transformers, and other elements of the grid are like sitting ducks. Russia is deliberately attacking them. Russia is waging energy warfare,” Tregub said. “Putin enjoys a monopolistic stranglehold on Russian oil and gas right now. Oil and gas make $258 million dollars per day for Russia. Oil alone funds the war in Ukraine.”

“I am working on a new project right now to establish supply chains that can deliver solar panels,. They need solar powered flashlights and solar powered batteries in the toughest to access areas of Ukraine. They are suffering the most. They spend months in extremely cold and unpleasant environments.” . . .More


New Jersey leaders voice strong support for bold offshore wind projects 

“While we do not have a shoreline, economic growth in one part of the state has positive impacts for the whole state,” Singh said. “Offshore wind is consistent day and night. It is key to our clean energy future to power our EVs and homes. It is key to lift up environmental justice communities by providing training for union jobs. Offshore wind power and other renewable energy sources will drive the transition of electrification of transportation.”

“Offshore wind power, and other renewable energy sources, will drive the transition of the electrification of transportation as the internal combustion engines did in the early twentieth century for the oil industry. The magnitude this represents for our health and economy is huge. . .”  More

Offshore wind buildout helps environmental justice with training, jobs and health outcomes for communities left behind, say New Jersey 125 elected officials

Offshore wind has the potential to provide more than 2,000 gigawatts (GW) of electric energy in the United States — two times the present generation of the entire U.S. electric grid, according to a National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimate. The sheer size of the resource illustrates the critical contribution that offshore wind can make toward an energy system powered by 100 percent renewable energy. Read more HERE.

    “This clean electric energy will help power our homes, cars and businesses while decreasing our greenhouse gas emissions, which will save lives and livelihoods. Offshore wind is a big part of a future balance where humanity works with the natural world instead of abusing it — a future where our children will have the right to a healthy life free of pollution that causes asthma and life threatening chronic ailments — a future free of dirty fossil fuels.”. . read  and watch more HERE.

How NY local elected officials can best support the state’s Climate Plan and building electrification – webinar

The webinar was hosted by EOPA with Duncan McNeils, EOPA Programs Coordinator

Recently there has been disinformation about whale deaths on the East Coast with right wing backed organizations falsely accusing offshore wind survey ships of killing them. It’s more likely oil tanks did as 40 percent of the shipping traffic in the areas is from oil industry transportation, wirh less than 2 percent being offshore wind. survey ships  Watch  HERE.

Explore our radio shows, videos, and documentaries

From California to Maine elected officials share their stories with us about how they are working to combat the climate crises in their communities, state and nation.

Alex Walker-Griffin, Mayor of Hercules, CA  on how the climate provisions in the IRA will help equity and grow clean energy jobs

Alex Walker-Griffen, Mayor of Hercules, CA  urges EPA to enact the strongest clean air protections and is excited by nearly 270 Billion in climate provisions in Inflation Reduction Act.

Watch he video HERE.

Shayna Steingard of the National Wildlife Federation on offshore wind for New Jersey and the Atlantic coast

Shayna Steingard of the National Wildlife Federation speaks about how equitable offshore wind implementation will help wildlife for New Jersey and America.

Watch the video HERE.

Balvir Singh Burlington County Commissioner, NJ on how offshore wind in NJ will help his inland community

Balvir Singh Burlington County Commissioner, NJ on how offshore wind off the New Jersey coast will help his inland community with better health outcomes and less extreme weather caused by the climate crisis.

Watch the video HERE.

Explore podcasts with elected officials, community leaders, concerned citizens and powerful youth voices from across the country who are actively combating the climate crisis.

Explore podcasts from the City Climate Corner as they explore how small and mid-sized cities are tackling climate change and moving toward an equitable and sustainable future.

Share their ideas and innovations with others.

Co-hosted by Abby Finis and Larry Kraft.

For City Climate Corner podcasts click HERE.

Explore podcasts from the Listening Project on the environmental fight in the refinery port city of Richmond, CA. From Chevron refinery’s toxic pollutants and the cleaning up of hazardous materials and from the former Zeneca site to the fight over the Point Molate shoreline, environmental concerns have shaped politics and conversations in Richmond for decades. These podcasts explore the issue.

For Listening Project podcasts click HERE

Radio/Print news reports

A partnership with PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE allows us to share important RADIO news reports from across the country on the climate crisis and action being taken.

Please listen or read the stories HERE.